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Our mission is to create a network within the international circus community that connects social and cultural projects with eco-responsible practices. EcoCirc seeks to facilitate meaningful connections that build an inclusive community and promote the visibility of projects committed to environmental conservation.

We believe in the transformative power of circus as a tool to inspire positive change in the world. We are committed to promoting responsible practices and celebrating initiatives that contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Be part of the cultural change!

Find resources by region

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Our couchsurfing bubble!
Find spaces within the community

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Local, bulk, organic, vegetarian and/or vegan options.

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Let's circulate resources in the community!
Circus equipment, technical and/or creative material.

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Cultural Projects

Artists, collectives, companies, broadcasters, programmers, etc. who are asking questions about the topic.
Let's connect and explore the answers together!

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Local Projects

Social mobilization projects that are part of collective solutions/alternatives, let's join in!

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Get to know the place from a local perspective.

© 2024 by ECOCIRC